How many litres of water should you drink a day and does tea count?

And that is why you should keep an eye on how much fluid you’re drinking.


Since our bodies are consistently losing water through sweating, urination, and even breathing out, we have to ensure we’re keeping our fluids topped up.

Would hot beverages like tea also count towards your daily water intake?

Here’s what you need to know:

What is the recommended daily water intake in litres?

most health guidelines recommend drinking about 6 to 8 cups or glasses of water every day.

They recommend aiming to drink around 1.5-2 litres of water.


In 2010, the European Food Safety Authority recommended that men should drink two litres of water daily and women should have 1.6 litres per day.

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Kids may be dehydrated if they’re sleepy, having fewer pee breaks, or breathing faster than usual.


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